Expressing Likes, Desires, and Preferences
"Preferir" en inglés: prefer, would rather, would prefer
Para hablar de preferencias en general, usamos el verbo prefer seguido de verbo acabado en -ing o de infinitivo con to sin que cambie el significado.
I prefer buying online = I prefer to buy online
(prefiero comprar por internet)

También podemos indicar que preferimos una cosa a otra con la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + prefer + sustantivo + to + sustantivo
I prefer tea to coffe (prefiero el té al café)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra podemos usar las siguientes estructuras:
Sujeto + prefer + verbo acabado en -ing + TO + verbo acabado en -ing
I prefer going to the cinema to staying at home.
(prefiero ir al cine a quedarme en casa)
Sujeto + prefer + infinitivo con to + RATHER THAN + infinitivo sin to
I prefer to read rather than watch TV
(prefiero leer a ver la televisión)

Significa prefiero o preferiría y va seguido de infinitivo sin to (bare infinitive).
Shall we go shopping? I would rather go to the cinema.
(¿Vamos de compras? Prefiero / preferiría ir al cine)
Forma abreviada: I'd rather go out (prefiero / preferiría salir)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra usamos la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + would rather + infinitivo sin to + THAN + infinitivo sin to
She would rather go out than stay at home.
(ella prefiere/ preferiría salir a quedarse en casa)
También significa prefiero o preferiría y va seguido de infinitivo con to. Es más formal que would rather.
Shall we go shopping? I would prefer to go to the cinema.
(¿Vamos de compras? Prefiero / preferiría ir al cine)
Forma abreviada: I'd prefer to go out (prefiero / preferiría salir)
Para decir que preferimos hacer una cosa a hacer otra usamos la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + would prefer + infinitivo con to + RATHER THAN + infinitivo sin to
They would prefer to travel to London rather than go skiing.
(ellos prefieren / preferirían viajar a Londres que ir a esquiar)
- Después de than o rather than siempre va un infinitivo sin to (bare infinitive)
(Prefiero viajar en tren a conducir)
I prefer to travel by train rather than drive.
I would rather travel by train than drive.
I would prefer to travel by train rather than drive.
1) PREFER se usa en correlación con TO (si usamos gerundio) o con RATHER THAN (si usamos infinitivo con to)
I prefer swimming to running (prefiero nadar a correr)
I prefer to swim rather than run (prefiero nadar a correr)
2) WOULD RATHER se usa en correlación con THAN.
I would rather swim than run (prefiero nadar a correr)
3) WOULD PREFER se usa en correlación con RATHER THAN

Expressing Likes and Preferences
(would rather, like, prefer)
A. There is more than one way to express your likes and preferences. You already learned would rather. Study like and prefer in the chart below.
I would rather work inside than (work) outside.
I would rather get paid hourly than be on salary.
would rather + base verb
(Note: would rather is used with than)
I like to work outside.
I like working outside.
I prefer getting paid hourly.
I prefer to get paid hourly.
I prefer working inside to (working) outside.
I prefer getting paid hourly to being on salary.
like + gerund or infinitive
prefer + gerund or infinitive
(Note: When two things are compared using prefer, to should be used.)
(Note: If the same verb is used in both phrases, it doesn’t need to be repeated.)
B. Write sentences about your preferences, using like or don’t like.
1. work inside ___________________________________________________
2. work outside ___________________________________________________
3. get paid hourly ___________________________________________________
4. be on salary ___________________________________________________
5. work nights ___________________________________________________
6. work days ___________________________________________________
7. work at home ___________________________________________________
8. use a machine ___________________________________________________
9. type ___________________________________________________
10. write reports ___________________________________________________
C. Write sentences about each of the following groups of phrases, using prefer or would rather.
1. work inside / work outside
2. get paid hourly / be on salary
3. work nights / work days
4. work overtime / spend time with (my) family
5. work with my hands / work with machines
6. work with other people / work alone
7. use a computer / write by hand

D. Answer each of the following questions with a complete sentence.
1. Do you like to work in the morning or the evenings?
2. Do you prefer to have a male or a female manager?
3. Would you rather work in an office or a factory?
4. Would you rather drive to work or walk to work?
5. Would you rather work for a big company or a small company?
6. Do you want to retire at 65 or 70?
7. Would you rather work full-time or part-time?
8. Would you rather own your own business or work for someone else?
refiero nadar a correr)
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